Thursday, August 18, 2011


 Current Mood: Silly

Sleep overs and parties would seem to be easier at my place because that's a safe zone, right? However, I feel more stressed out when people are over. I worry so much about them having fun, I don't have any fun at all. Much rather be a guest than host something at my house. 

Not that long ago, I had my friend Austichar over for a few weeks. Probably one of the hardest times I had. Not because of him, just because I was so worried that he wasn't having fun. Every thought was circled around: What should I do? What should we eat? What is something fun we could do? How expensive is all this going to be? Will he think I'm lame? 

This made me exhausted. I was tired the whole time we hung out, all my energy went into my worry and anxiety. I tried so hard for him not to see how much pressure I was under, I wanted him to enjoy himself. 

After he left, I went in a long hermit period. I was dead from it. Sounds over dramatic, but sadly, it took all my energy to do that. To have someone here and trying to please them. He was fun to hang out with, but even camping stressed me out. I don't think I can handle being a host like that ever again. It drained all my mental strength. Which is ridiculious. I shouldn't be so freaked out about having people over. 

 Am I the only one that feels this way? 

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  1. I don't think I'd ever host a party or something at my house lol. Partially because of the same reasons as yours. I wouldn't want them to feel bored, and I have no goddamn clue about entertaining people on purpose. I've had friends at my house to play videogames, but I don't think I could handle a big or medium gathering of people here.

  2. Yeah, if we are playing games, that is easy to handle. But if they sleep over there is worrying about food and drinks. Silly stuff like that. I just crack under pressure. XD
