Friday, September 23, 2011

Old friends

Everyone changes and grows. We learn to talk about things differently and grow from situations. People that have known us from when we were younger  might not recognize us now a days. How do I feel when I talk to people that knew when I was younger?

It depends on how long they have known me. When I was too scared to talk to someone or when I started opening up? There is someone I haven't talked to recently.. that has come out of no where. that i never thought I would talk to again. I felt self conscious about writing about this person.... because I know how emotional it makes me feel. 

I loved that person so much. too much. And I always will. It's... like I don't care who he is now. I mean, I DO. But, what is overwhelming is the feelings I had. No, not love. Nothing like that. It's the hope. THE HOPE. I was so positive. So happy. I could trust everyone, and love everyone. I BELIEVED in everyone. I hoped for the future. I didn't know there was bad people! 

After growing up, I forgot that. I had walls. I knew just how bad people could be and how much they wanted to take advantage of me. I closed off almost everyone. I didn't let anyone get close to me or know me. 

Then he comes, crashing like an ocean. Reminding of once who I was. so trusting, so hopeful. I want to be like that again. To wish I'd get super powers... to believe I was meant for more... to hope I was born to be more than just a no body... 

I like meeting old friends when they give me hope. 

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